- #Oracle Linux Virtualbox Image Lab Webserver Plus Contains Spacewalk#
- #Oracle Linux Virtualbox Image Lab Webserver Software Emulation Or#
You will also learn how to use. In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a virtual lab and a Nat Network to connect your virtual machines in virtualBox. There are other flavors of Ubuntu available with other. Posted: (1 week ago) Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. Ubuntu Virtual Machine Images for VirtualBox and VMware Search Best Courses Courses.
While studying for LPIC and RedHat certifications, I always had a need to test different things on various Linux platforms in order to learn how they work (or don’t). Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a. What’s the Big Idea?What is Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. It was easier to set everything up than to find spare time to do a write-up.
Oracle Linux Virtualbox Image Lab Webserver Software Emulation Or
Porsh-uhhhh.I stuck with Oracle VirtualBox many years ago, although nowadays I also use the Xen Project Hypervisor and KVM (Proxmox). Better chance someone will overhear me talking about it. I let the car do the talking. However, don’t get yourself confused, this home lab can be used to run *BSD, Debian, Solaris or Windows guests too. Modern virtual machines are implemented with either software emulation or hardware virtualization or Simply because the host OS that runs virtualisation is CentOS Linux, and guests that I use are Linux systems as well. Why Linux Home Lab?Questions tagged virtual-machine A virtual machine (VM) is a guest Operating System running in a completely isolated environment within a normal host operating system.
Act as a DHCP server to provide leases for DHCP clients. The central management server should, at least, do the following: This, however, must not prevent me from installing packages on any of those virtual machines.All virtual machines have to reside on a single local area network (LAN) so that they can communicate with each other assuming that local firewall (iptables, firewalld) is configured to permit this.Moreover, there needs to be a central management server on the LAN so that I don’t have to configure basic things like addresses or DNS on newly provisioned machines myself. Needs for the Home LabI need a home lab where I can provision and run multiple Linux (mainly CentOS) boxes for various testing purposes (web, database, proxy, email, LDAP etc.) even when there is no Internet access available. You end up having all of your virtual machines stored on an encrypted portable disk, with USB 3.0 giving a fair amount of speed to run multiple VMs simultaneously. You’ll need FreeOTFE or LibreCrypt for Windows, it works fine on Windows 7, but I didn’t test with any other version, so YMMV.
I’m talking about Spacewalk here. Contain a local repository of packages available to clients. Provide NTP services for time configuration and sync.
I’m referring to the Host-only VirtualBox networking mode. This can then be extended further.All virtual machines have to have an easy access from the PC they are hosted on. I’m talking about Puppet here. Ideally, provision clients as a database or a web server, depending on their role. This includes firewall configuration, SELinux, Linux security limits, kernel sysctl configuration etc. Apply some basic security configuration to clients.
They all have an eth0 Host-only network adapter attached (with no Internet access) and get IP leases from the Puppet DHCP server. Other servers are test boxes used for illustrative purposes only. This is a Host-only network (see ) with a VirtualBox built-in DHCP server disabled.There is a Puppet management server, that has two network interfaces: eth1 is a Host-only network with a static IP address of, eth0 is a NAT network for Internet access. It can be seen below.VirtualBox LAN is on
There is a CentOS 6.7 (minimal) VirtualBox template created with a Spacewalk client already installed. The set up is practically the same, the major difference is that you need to replace service/chkconfig with systemctl, and use firewalld (or disable it and use iptables).The way I see it all working is quite simple. CentOS Template and The Master ServerUPDATE: as of April 2016, my home lab is on CentOS 7.
Oracle Linux Virtualbox Image Lab Webserver Plus Contains Spacewalk
And there is much more that could be automated. Configuration from the Puppet master. This will then push NTP, SMTP etc. Then with a bit of manual work, I can SSH and get the VM registered with Spacewalk, and run a puppet agent test. On top of that, the server provides DHCP, DNS, NTP and SMTP relay services to clients.When a new virtual machine is manually provisioned from the CentOS template, it boots up and gets an IP address lease from the DHCP server. Moreover, the template has a Puppet agent deployed with a default server role that is pre-defined (check Part 7 for more details on server roles).There is a Puppet master server set up, that acts as a Puppet master (surprise surprise), plus contains Spacewalk for software content management.